Something Inside So Strong

Befriending Your Soul will teach you how to connect and communicate regularly with your soul: your hidden reservoir of limitless wisdom, peace, and joy.

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There is a story told of the musk deer of North India. In the springtime, the roe is haunted by the odor of musk. She runs wildly over hill and ravine with her nostrils dilating and her little body throbbing with desire, sure that around the next clump of trees or bush she will find the musk, the object of her quest. Then at last she falls, exhausted, with her head resting on her tiny hoofs, only to discover that the odor of musk is in her own hide. The strong scent of something she cannot live without, she learns, is something so strong within.

Something Inside So Strong

There is something inside you so strong that provides:

    1. Clarity for making the important and often difficult decisions of life.

    2. Confidence for being and sharing who you are genuinely and effectively.

    3. Inner Strength to become your finest, fullest self through it all, no matter what.

Befriending Your Soul will teach you how to connect and communicate regularly with your soul: your hidden reservoir of limitless wisdom, peace, and joy.

Befriending Your Soul teaches you how to tap into your limitless inner wisdom and strength by:


  • Identifying and eliminating potential obstructions to soul connection. 
  • Discussing “essential first considerations” for soul communication. 
  • Explaining the “7-Step Soul Talk Method” presented in the bestselling book Soul Talk: How to have the Most Important Conversation of All by Kirk Byron Jones. 
  • Introducing the explorative, enjoyable, and transformative experience of Soul Talk Journaling.

Befriending Your Soul

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